
Detoxination Day 1

28 Feb 2009

After drinking vegi-fuit juice by Dr. Tom Wu for 2 weeks, I decided to go thru a detox process, a 7-day program. This is not a program suggested by Dr. Tom Wu, is something that I read from another book about bowel detoxination. It is recommended to start the detox on Sat and Sun, so I start on Sat.

According to the book, for the 1st 2 days, no solid food allowed, only soy milk blended with banana for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, I modified the program a bit and add in vegi-fruit juice. The reason behind is that I think I can't survive with only 3 cups of banana blended soy milk, I don't want to get a gastric pain after the first day.

So I drunk a cup of banana blended soy milk (~250ml) as breakfast, then I made the 强身健体蔬果汁(~3cups) for lunch and 摆脱便秘蔬果汁(~3cups) for dinner. Of course, I also have my E.Excel product as usual and add in psylium husk fiber powder into the juice during every meals. Last but not least, drinking water, tried to drink ~2L.

The experience of 1st day is not really good.
Sometimes I feel a little bit of gastric pain, bloated, fart a lot, smell bad. Luckily I stay at home and not so embarrassed.
I can think of 2 reasons:
1) I have gastritis last year and I have gastric pain history for quite a few years. That's why I never have the guts to try any detox or jejunitas.
2) I have indigestion. So when my stomach cannot digest the high fiber diet that I took in, a lot of gas created.
I think my digestive system needs time to get used to this healthy diet.
I can hardly get a good night sleep, feeling so depressed and sad at the middle of the night. So want to give up after the 1st day as I'm worried that I won't benefit from it, instead health condition get worst, what a night!

Lessons learnt:
I should not take very high fiber diet as dinner, should try something light and easier to digest. Maybe banana blended soy milk is a good choices or the 消化美肤蔬果汁 is another choice.
